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Is it all free? Â No, it’s not all free, but you never know when an exhibitor is going to dump a box of free stuff for everybody. It has happened!
Rod blanks in trash cans? Absolutely. The “Trash Can” specials were introduced by Andy Dear of Lamar at one of the earlier Expo’s. Andy was offering over a thousand close-out rod blanks from All Star and Castaway and trash cans provided a great way to display them. They were far from being trash, of course, but they sold at ridiculously low prices nonetheless. The tradition of the trash can specials lives on at each subsequent Expo, and will be back for 2012.
99 cent rod blanks?  Sort of. What you see above were sold at 99 cents per foot. Yes, there are plenty of terrific buys at the Expo. There will be over 12,000 rod blanks to choose from at this year’s Expo and while most won’t be free nor marked at 99 cents, nearly all will be sold at some level below standard pricing.
Bottom line – Prices are much lower at the Expo than you’ll find the rest of the year anywhere else. The Expo provides an opportunity for vendors to trim inventory, clear out overstocked merchandise, sell off discontinued items, etc., etc. And sometimes they just want to create some good sales buzz and attract new customers. It all adds up to a situation where your rod building dollar goes further than anywhere else at any other time. Many builders pay for their entire trip just on the savings they reap at the Expo.