Gallery Photos

One of the most popular features of RodMaker Magazine down through the years has been the readers’ Photo Gallery.  Each issue’s gallery installment features some of the finest custom rod building work in the world.

The method in which the photos are presented highlights the work in the best manner possible and exposes a builder and his or her efforts to over 15,000 other rod builders. As popular as the RBO Photo Page is, it pales in comparison to the magazine photo gallery.

Readers often ask how to get their work into the magazine photo gallery. It’s very simple really but there are some requirements that must be heeded. First, the magazine is printed on a very high line screen (resolution) and photos must be high resolution, crisp and well lit.  The preferred file type is a tif file, at a minimum of 300 dpi and a physical size of at least 5×7 inches.  I can accept jpeg files as well, but they need to be as large as your camera can take them – such photos will often work very well. Finally, due to the high quality of the magazine and the desire to present a reader’s work in the best manner possible, photos should be well composed, i.e., don’t pose your rod on a dog bed or a bedspread. Try to keep the photo clear and uncluttered, utilizing simple backgrounds of solid, contrasting colors. Aquarium rocks, beach sand, water, solid color fun foam, etc., all make excellent backgrounds for such photographs.

Finally, large format photos don’t always transmit successfully via e-mail, so I suggest burning them to a CD and mailing them to:


RodMaker Photo Gallery

PO Box 1322

High Point, NC 27261


Feel free to submit your work as often as you like, but do make sure the photos are original and have not previously appeared elsewhere, including the RBO photo page. Good luck!


Tom Kirkman

