Archive for March 2011
A Final Offer
Now that we’ve taken care of some older back issues, along with some of the more current ones, I’ll finish out March 2011 with a very special offer for those that have never seen a copy of RodMaker. For just $10, I’ll send you 4 issues of RodMaker (my choice) mailed by 1st class USPS…
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Last week I offered a special deal on some of the earliest issues of RodMaker. Those are about gone now so this week I’ll make a similar offer on any of the later issues, from Volume 5 and up. Here’s the deal – click on the link to the left that reads “Back Issues.â€Â I’ll…
Read MoreLiving Color
The second RodMaker issue of each new year is always the most difficult one for me to put together. The time period when I would normally hunker down and work against an approaching deadline is interrupted by the International Custom Rod Building Exposition. It takes a great deal of early mornings and late nights to…
Read MoreOlder Issues
Hardly a day goes by when a RodMaker reader doesn’t email me to ask if I still have any of the oldest issues of RodMaker available for sale. The back issue list on the magazine website only offers issues back through Volume 5, but I do have small handfuls of some of the issues produced…
Read MoreSubscriptions
Each day, everyday, seven days per week, I receive anywhere from 15 to 25 new subscriptions and roughly 40 to 45 renewals. It takes a couple hours to process these along with getting new issues addressed and in the mail. During the recent Expo week, I was unable to perform this normal daily task.  I’m…
Read MoreA Good Company Slogan?
Humorous things often happen at the ticket window during Expo weekend. I wish I could be up front more than I am so that I didn’t miss as much as I do. Some of the stuff is just downright hilarious. I was there Sunday morning as one exhibitor arrived just prior to the opening bell. …
Read MoreA New Look…
It’s been an unusually busy week here at RodMaker Magazine. Getting wound down and caught up from the Expo will take many weeks yet. But there is another task that has taken even more time and burned even more midnight oil – a format change for the magazine. RodMaker debuted in 1998 as an all…
Read MoreFaces…
Each year’s Expo event brings several surprises in terms of who you see, and who you don’t. The 2011 Event was no different in this regard than past Expos. Family tragedies kept some perennial Expo attendees away – most notably Italo Busi and David Spence. I greatly missed seeing them both. Joy Dunlap had hoped…
Read MoreBy The Numbers…
I stayed up late last night tallying Expo ticket sales and transcribing the information on the door prize registration forms. The numbers are in – Removing any duplicates, there were 3086 individual attendees at the 2011 International Custom Rod Building Exposition. I will assume that most, although not all, were custom rod builders. Against the…
Read MoreNow the Work Begins…
Putting on the International Custom Rod Building Exposition is a lot of work! But, that work is spread out over several months, beginning way back in June of the preceding year. The real work – the stuff that keeps me burning the midnight oil for several months, doesn’t start until the day after the Expo…
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