2011 RodMaker Reception

Each year, RodMaker Magazine hosts an informal reception for its subscribers. This event is held in conjunction with the International Custom Rod Building Exposition. This year’s reception will be held on Friday, February 25th, the evening before the Expo kicks off.

This year, the reception will be held at the Centennial Station, a restored freight train depot located at 121 South Centennial Street. This is about 2 blocks east of the Showplace.

The reception is scheduled to begin about 7PM. The doors will open at 6:30PM. Please do not arrive prior to 6:30 or you’ll be waiting in the parking lot – and there is a good chance it’ll be raining this Friday evening. We do not start the door prize drawings until about 7:15, so there is no need to rush and stand in line prior to the 6:30 opening.

Also kindly reserve the few tables and chairs for those subscribers who are aged or infirm. This is a stand-up affair. Thanks.

Remember, the reception is for RodMaker subscribers and their immediate guests, only. Thanks and see you there.

Tom Kirkman



  1. john timberlake on February 23, 2011 at 3:19 pm

    I look forward to the new venue. that is a very nice place

  2. Walt Stock on February 23, 2011 at 3:34 pm

    Still haven’t received my magazine with the reception invite. Only have today and tomorrow’s mail – hope it comes. What if it doesn’t?

    Looking forward to the Expo – my first and bringing my 14-year old Grandson.


  3. MarkS on February 23, 2011 at 4:22 pm

    No magazine anywhere does as much as you do for your subscribers. The mag is already a bargain for so much quality and now the expo thing. I cannot attend this year but want to thank you for all you do for so many people. Not many businesses are run the way you run yours these days.

  4. Tom on February 23, 2011 at 4:24 pm


    A few folks never seem to get their magazine in time for the Reception. Have no fear, if your name is on the subscriber list, we’ll see that you get in and have a door prize ticket to boot. No problem. Just come on over around 6:30 to 6:45 and the guys at the admission table will take care of you.

    • Walt Stock on February 24, 2011 at 8:04 pm

      Received in the nick of time! Sweet! See you tomorrow evening!


      Oh – I have 2-invites in the mag but would like to bring my wife and G’son – can I have a 3rd guest (no need for her to be eligible for drawings)?

  5. John Martinez on February 23, 2011 at 5:56 pm

    I know everyone who subscribes can’t make it to the reception each year but for those that do this event is worth twice the price of the subscription itself. Loads of fun.

  6. Steve Zayas on March 3, 2011 at 3:58 am

    The Reception was really nice,I liked the feel of the old building,nice food spread,good drinks and seeing everybody socialize. I really enjoyed the event.